Favorite Podcasts



During the holidays last year, Jay and I listened to the first season of Serial as we drove to and from Lexington, Louisville, Somerset, Bowling Green, Madisonville, and Nashville. The podcasts made the time in the car fly! If you haven’t listened to it yet and your friends have been talking to you about Adnan’s innocence for the past year, do yourself a favor and check it out, especially if you have some travel time over the long weekend. Each season shares one true story over the course of several episodes. I think I hyped up the new season, which is evaluating Bowe Bergdahl’s capture and release by the Taliban, too much because I’m not enjoying this season as much as I hoped. Even though I’m caught up on Serial (tear), there are several other podcasts that I recommend.

Limetown: So entertaining! As someone who adamantly avoids science fiction, this podcast even hooked me! Like I mentioned, it is a work of science fiction, and my only complaint is that the episodes are too short and there aren’t enough of them. It can get a little disturbing, so I didn’t like to listen to them near bedtime. Here’s how the website describes it.

Ten years ago, over three hundred men, women and children disappeared from a small town in Tennessee, never to be heard from again. In this seven-part podcast, American Public Radio host Lia Haddock asks the question once more, “What happened to the people of Limetown?”

This American Life: Each week, the producers select a theme and the podcast consists of several short journalistic, sometimes funny, stories pieced together around the theme. There is usually at least one or two short stories that I really enjoy each week. If nothing else, search through the archives and listen to “The Problem We All Deal With.” It is a two-part series focused on inequality in education, which is a topic that can really get me going.

Women of the Hour: This podcast is a collaboration between Lena Dunham and BuzzFeed. While I agree with most everything that Lena Dunham stands for, and I really want to like her, I just can’t get into her style. She has a new podcast, which probably has a different following than the NPR crowd. I’ve listed to about one and a half episodes, and I just can’t get into it. However, if you are a Lena Dunham fan, you should give it a listen.
Here are a few other Podcasts I recommend:

